UPSRTC Dankaur to Dhanhari Bus Timings & Fares

Bus TypeDeparture TimeArrival TimVia Stops
Cng16:2618:44Shikarpur, Raniwala, Bailon, Sikardrabad, Bulandshahar, Ahmad Nagar, Dibai Doraha, Dibai, Dibai Railway Station, Narora, Ginnaur, Babrala
Cng16:2606:56Chandausi, Shikarpur, Raniwala, Dhanhari, Bahjoi, Ahmad Nagar, Babrala, Pathakpur, Ginnaur, Bilsi, Sikardrabad, Dibai Doraha, Narora, Bailon, Bulandshahar, Dibai, Dibai Railway Station
Cng16:2618:44Dibai Doraha, Dibai Railway Station, Babrala, Raniwala, Bulandshahar, Shikarpur, Ahmad Nagar, Dibai, Bailon, Narora, Ginnaur, Sikardrabad
Cng16:2606:56Dhanhari, Bahjoi, Chandausi, Bilsi, Ahmad Nagar, Dibai, Ginnaur, Bailon, Narora, Pathakpur, Sikardrabad, Raniwala, Babrala, Dibai Railway Station, Bulandshahar, Shikarpur, Dibai Doraha

UPSRTC Time table for Dankaur to Dhanhari

Booking a UPSRTC bus from Dankaur to Dhanhari has never been this easy. The first bus for this route departs from Dankaur at 16:26 and arrives at Dhanhari by 06:56. redBus has integrated a number of bus operators who provide clean buses and a safe journey on the Dankaur to Dhanhari route. Booking a UPSRTC bus from Dankaur to Dhanhari can be done with a few simple steps on the redBus platform. It is advisable that people should visit the UPSRTC bus booking page on the redBus platform to know more about fares, and most importantly, the time table of UPSRTC buses running from Dankaur to Dhanhari. redBus updates the UPSRTC timetable regularly so that people have updated information to plan their bus journey. Book your UPSRTC bus from Dankaur to Dhanhari today with redBus.

Dankaur to Dhanhari Bus Service



124 kms



2hrs 18mins

Dankaur to Dhanhari Bus Distance

Bus Type



Bus Depot



Depot Region



Frequently Asked Questons on UPSRTC

How many buses operate from Dankaur to Dhanhari?
There are 4 buses that operate from Dankaur to Dhanhari.
Where can I find the timetable for Dankaur to Dhanhari route?
You can view the timetable for Dankaur to Dhanhari route by scrolling up. A detailed timetable with information on the bus operators, bus timings, fares, and routes that are taken are displayed above.
Can I book a Dankaur to Dhanhari ticket on redBus?
At the moment, you cannot book a Dankaur to Dhanhari ticket through redBus. Tickets are exclusively sold offline, as in, at either a counter or on the bus. You can purchase your ticket from the conductor of the bus that you are traveling in.
How many stops do buses from Dankaur to Dhanhari make?
There are a number of stops, or stages, that passengers can use to board the bus. Scroll up to know more.

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